Here's an excerpt from a file where aoe(file) should be treated like an import:

  ["Cyclone" 37 {"Move +0" "Attack +0, aoe(aoes/tri-melee.rkt)" "Consume Air: Instead, Attack +1, aoe(aoes/ring1-melee.rkt)"}]

I have an include setting to find "aoe" files (and other files) that works:

let &l:include = '\v(import-monsters "\zs[^"]*\ze"|aoe\(\zs[^)]*\ze\))'

However, it only finds the first file on the line (:checkpath! includes aoes/tri-melee.rkt but not aoes/ring1-melee.rkt). If I split the line between the two aoe() bits, both are found.

  1. Is this the usual function of include? It's not documented as only processing the first match in a line, as far as I can tell, though :help include-search strongly hints that this is the case.
  2. Is there a way to check for includes more than once on a line? I could imagine using a more permissive pattern like aoes(.*) and then using includeexpr to extract multiple matches, but I don't think includeexpr is supposed to return a list (nor can I find documentation for what happens if it does).

1 Answer 1


Is this the usual function of include?

Yes, the search for includes a) is done in one pass only, and b) only searches for one filename on each line.

Is there a way to check for includes more than once on a line?


FWIW, it is not even possible to have both a define and an include match on the same line.

but I don't think includeexpr is supposed to return a list (nor can I find documentation for what happens if it does).

The job of includeexpr is to extrapolate a more usable filename from the filename found by include.

Reference: https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/master/src/search.c#L3325, https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/master/src/findfile.c#L1888, and too much time wasted battling this.

  • Sad, but thanks. "Too much time": I guess I can search, but it sounds like you might have had some discussions with Bram or vim-dev about tweaking these options to catch all matches on a line?
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Jul 7, 2023 at 14:46
  • Some denial-heavy discussions, but mostly informal and a lot of trial and error. ATM neither include nor define can be tweaked to match several times or together on the same line. I didn't go as far as sending a patch, though, because I can barely read C. Maybe you will have more luck.
    – romainl
    Commented Jul 7, 2023 at 15:22
  • Got it, thanks.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Jul 7, 2023 at 17:11

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