Is there a way to increase the number under the coursor while still using behave mswin? Since behave mswin overwrites CTRL_A


1 Answer 1


In itself, :behave mswin does not remap <C-A>. But there is a script mentioned in :help behave - called mswin.vim - which calls :behave mswin and remaps Ctrl+A etc.

For clarifications which mappings and settings are applied by mswin.vim, open and read the file in your favorite editor. I suggest :e $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim.


Just call :behave mswin but don't :source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim. This will give :behave mswin but not map any other keys.


Source the file but unmap everything that's not wanted. It would look like this in vimrc:

source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
unmap <C-A>
unmap <C-X>

Figuring out how much sense it makes to source a file that defines mappings only to unmap them later is left as an exercise to the reader.

Other mapping

To have both Ctrl+A select everything and have a key to increment numbers, you can assign a different mapping to the latter function.

It would look like this in vimrc:

source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
nnoremap <leader>a <C-A>

In this example, it will make leader+A increment numbers while retaining Ctrl+A to select all. The best of both worlds, if you will.

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