Is there a way to highlight a directory of a found file?
For example I look for a specific file with telescope and when I open it, my nvim-tree is updated and shows me parent directory?
You can jump to the file in current buffer by using :NvimTreeFindFile
To do this automatically upon opening the file in telescope, you need to "overload" the open action of Telescope (called select_default, on - carriage return) to run NvimTreeFindFile command just after you open the file. You can do so by using transform_mod:
In ~/.config/nvim/init.vim put this configuration:
lua << EOF
local transform_mod = require('').transform_mod
local actions = require('telescope.actions')
local mod = {}
mod.open_in_nvim_tree = function(prompt_bufnr)
local cur_win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()
mod = transform_mod(mod)
defaults = {
mappings = {
i = {
["<CR>"] = actions.select_default + mod.open_in_nvim_tree,
n = {
["<CR>"] = actions.select_default + mod.open_in_nvim_tree,
Nvim-tree provide this behavior out of the box.
You can achieve this by adding next lines for example:
require("nvim-tree").setup {
sync_root_with_cwd = true,
respect_buf_cwd = true,
update_focused_file = {
enable = true,
update_root = {
enable = true,
Changes the tree root directory on DirChanged
and refreshes the three. (from h: sync_root_with_cwd
Will change cwd of nvim-tree to that of new buffer's when opening nvim-tree. (from h: respect_buf_cwd
Update the focused file on BufEnter
, up-collapses the folders recursively until if finds the file. (from h: update_focused_files
Update the root directory of the tree if the file is not under current root directory. It prefers vim's cwd and root_dirs
. Otherwise it falls back to the folder containing the file. (from h: update_root