I my folds are set with foldmarker={{{,}}}. When I create a fold it inserts a comment # char before the marker. So it inserts #{{{. How do I stop it doing this?

I have syntax highlighting (and it seems therefore also filetype) set to bash. But it's not a bash file. It's just a text file and I'm using bash highlighting for convenience of viewing numbers, quotes and so on. I can see the sense of it inserting a comment char before the marker if it was a bash script. But it's not...

It would actually be nice to have it insert a couple of spaces instead (and if it would do that courtesy in any case).

  • 2
    :set cms= or :set cms=\ \ \ \ . Read :h cms.
    – 3N4N
    Oct 27, 2022 at 12:23


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