I am trying to write a :sort
wrapper that sorts from current column.
command! -bang -range=% -nargs=* Sortc exe '<line1>,<line2>sort<bang> <args> /\%' .. virtcol('.') .. 'v/'
hello world
foo bar
apple google
When the cursor is on [w]orld
, :Sortc
will sort into
foo bar
apple google
hello world
It works in all cases except when in visual mode. E.g. From original text, I select all lines in virtual line mode and type :'<,'>Sortc
, it ignores the column and sorts from beginning. i.e. virtcol('.')
, returns 0.
Is there anyway to fix this such that it works in visual mode too?
After it incorrectly sorts, run the same command again placing in the correct column, without the visual mode (i.e. @:
), then it works.
Using visual block selection works.
:command! -range=% -nargs=1 Sortc :<line1>,<line2> !sort -k<q-args>,<q-args>