With my pending adoption of Ubuntu MATE 22.04, I am looking primarily at neovim, with possible adaptation as spacevim/lunarvim. I am very comfortable with Vim, but am looking for a proper ide layer for that tool of choice (want to do some python for CAD, prolog for personal medical), and it seems from what I have come across that Neovim is the way to go (or as some have said, the way of the future). (I DO NOT want answers discussing it here, but have posted separately on suitability of GNAT Studio for Python)
I want to make sure that I don't jump out of the frying pan into the fire.
Are there any gotchas that someone evaluating such a transition needs to know before making the move? Such as (please make reference to category in your response):
- things that would "break" what are normal practice from within Vim,
- things that are not portable from Vim to Neovim,
- things that cannot be migrated as-is,
- things that need "tweeks" to migrate,
- things that need to be "translated" to a new language but would still work in Neovim,
- things that need to be "adapted" via lua because the functionality cannot be migrated as-is to neovim,
- things that require a new skillset (more than lua; I don't currently know VimScript; trying to decide learning one or the other),
- things that need a major change in mind-set of the approach to using Vim
Thank you all for your inputs.