When setting indentation using vimtex, I meet some problem. I set the option g:vimtex_indent_delims to indent [...] blocks.

let g:vimtex_indent_delims = {
      \ 'open'  : ['{','(','['],
      \ 'close' : ['}',')',']'],

But then the \[...\] block will indent twice. What I get is the following.


Compared with this, there is no problem for {...} and \{...\} blocks, or (...) and \(...\) blocks.


So, is it possible to indent [...] blocks, while indent \[...\] blocks only one time?

1 Answer 1


You need to specify regexes that do not match on \[ and \]. This should work:

let g:vimtex_indent_delims = {
      \ 'open'  : ['{', '(', vimtex#re#not_bslash . '['],
      \ 'close' : ['}', ')', vimtex#re#not_bslash . ']'],

The vimtex#re#bslash is a regex that matches whenever the preceding atom is not a single backslash.

  • After some update, it is invalid now. The block [...] would not indent for now. Could you provide some new suggestions? Thank you!
    – jiaopjie
    Commented May 14 at 9:10
  • I can't think of anything that should have changed here. It's not easy to provide a new suggestion when I still think the current one should work. If it doesn't work. then please open an issue on the github repo. To be clear: I suspect there may be a problem in your configuration. Commented May 15 at 14:54

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