I would like to install a package in Neovim (nvim), but I don't want to use a package manager like vim-plug. I want to keep my configuration as minimal as possible, which is why I want to avoid a package manager.

In Vim 8.0, you can install a package simply by putting it under ~/.vim/pack/FOOBAR/start/, replacing FOOBAR with any directory name you choose. Does Neovim support this? Does it support another method?

1 Answer 1


In Neovim, you can install plugins into ~/.config/nvim/pack/FOOBAR/start/ (replacing FOOBAR with any directory name you choose), similarly to how you can use Vim 8.0's native support for packages.

Alternatively, you can also install plugins into ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/FOOBAR/start/ (replacing FOOBAR with any directory name you choose).

To find the full list of places where you can put a package, run :set packpath? . You can install packages in the pack/FOOBAR/start/ subdirectory of each one of these directories listed by that command, replacing FOOBAR with any directory name you like. (If you've configured Neovim to load Vim configuration, then you will probably find ~/.vim in the list of directories, which means you can also put plugins in ~/.vim/pack/FOOBAR/start/ , just like for Vim.)

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