I have a file listing all the books I have read since 2013. I told someone I read x books a week and they didn't believe me so I started doing it :)

The data looks like this. The last column is the count of books read. I have a function that renumbers the entries as they may be read years apart.

Start: 1 Aug 2013

%Daniel Silva   Spy  Isralie%
!Gabriel Allon Series!
    The Rembrandt Affair    Year 2013   1
    The Secret Servant  Year 2013   2
    Moscow Rules    Year 2013   3
    The Defector    Year 2013   4
    The Messenger   Year 2013   5
    Prince of Fire  Year 2013   6
    Portrait of a Spy   Year 2013   7
    The Fallen Angel    Year 2013   8
    The English Girl    Feb 2019    9

Being clumsy fingered I miss the tab between the year and the count sometimes so I have this search \v^\s+\S to check that the count from the search matches the last count at the document end. That worked until I hit > 1000 books this year. Can I get a count of pattern matches where the count is > 1000 some other way?

Result of pattern match


1 Answer 1


You can use the :s[ubstitute] command's n flag. As described under :h count-items:

To count how often any pattern occurs in the current buffer use the substitute command and add the 'n' flag to avoid the substitution.



Or if you've already searched for the pattern you could, of course, just do...


Either way, this handles counts higher than 1000.

  • @b layer Thanks. I should have remembered that
    – Steve
    Commented Nov 29, 2021 at 6:49

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