I have a file listing all the books I have read since 2013. I told someone I read x books a week and they didn't believe me so I started doing it :)
The data looks like this. The last column is the count of books read. I have a function that renumbers the entries as they may be read years apart.
Start: 1 Aug 2013
%Daniel Silva Spy Isralie%
!Gabriel Allon Series!
The Rembrandt Affair Year 2013 1
The Secret Servant Year 2013 2
Moscow Rules Year 2013 3
The Defector Year 2013 4
The Messenger Year 2013 5
Prince of Fire Year 2013 6
Portrait of a Spy Year 2013 7
The Fallen Angel Year 2013 8
The English Girl Feb 2019 9
Being clumsy fingered I miss the tab
between the year and the count sometimes so I have this search \v^\s+\S
to check that the count from the search matches the last count at the document end. That worked until I hit > 1000 books this year. Can I get a count of pattern matches where the count is > 1000 some other way?
function, see e.g. this example here: vi.stackexchange.com/a/26304/71