I've been noticing some rather confusing behavior in my neovim setup and I'm really not even sure if it's a problem, just a feature that surprised me.

I recently noticed that the classic "This file is already open" warning message hasn't been displaying when I open a file in multiple terminals. This concerned me at first, but I just did some testing and found the following behavior:

  1. Create a file (test.md).
  2. Open the file in a terminal.
  3. Open the file in a second terminal (No warning is shown)
  4. Edit the file in either terminal, :w, and click over to the other terminal.

Result => In the other terminal the content is automatically updated to reflect the previous changes.

So far as I can tell this isn't behavior that I've explicitly set (though my init.vim setup has grown rather large and spans multiple files). I grepped for 'swap' and the only hits I got were in Plug.

Is this new behavior in neovim or have I committed the mortal sin of installing a plugin and I don't know what it does?

Update: I found this explanation of how to set this sort of behavior and grepping revealed nothing being set.

Update: Actually this is highly undesirable behavior because unsaved changes don't get updated.

  • 1
    I would check :verbose set autoread? as a first guess
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Aug 4, 2021 at 18:39
  • @D.BenKnoble That helped. It told me the last place to set it was in vim-polyglot, I uninstalled it, and it came back. Thanks!
    – mas
    Commented Aug 5, 2021 at 19:49
  • 1
    makes a good answer to me. Include the debugging tip^ if you will. Personally I don’t really recommend polyglot. It’s a bit too much for me and often has stuff that’s old or conflicts or whatever
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Aug 5, 2021 at 19:57

1 Answer 1


The problem turned out to be in a plugin, vim-polyglot, which was setting autoread. Disabling that plugin solved the problem.

For future readers, solving this problem was as easy as running :verbose set autoread? which told me the last line in all of my configurations where it was set.

Thanks to D. Ben Knoble for the tip.

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