I'm usually working with a file list for sorting/deleting/etc files, and I like to sometimes run arbitrary command on those files (which have either a full path or already present in current directory).
Now, I do know i can always make a mapping with visual selection, that would then just select current line and use it with [command here], but i was wondering if there was a better way, especially since other things like <cWORD>
don't need visual selection, but alas only work on current word.
.w !commandhere
This work fine for things like bash
but, if I need the input to be in front, then it (obviously) doesn't work.
I recall managing to do this using:
.w !commandhere %
But that didn't work here. (edit: Nevermind on this part, just learned that %
is actually the currently opened file's filename...)
Here I tried a couple things with getline
.w !commandhere execute getline('.')
This doesn't work, but:
execute getline('.')
This work in at least getting the actual string (in the message/error buffer I presume?).
Lastly, this one got closer to the solution:
exec '!commandhere '.getline('.')
But still not it yet. (guessing this isn't working because of space/parentheses in the filenames)
I already know how to make it as a mapping. Just wondering if there other ways to do this without using visual selection, for the current line (where the blinking cursor is).