I have the following ~/.vim/filetype.vim:
augroup filetypedetect
au BufRead,BufNewFile *?Script.sml let maplocalleader = "h" | source /home/gergely/HOL/tools/vim/hol.vim
" recognise pre-munger files as latex source
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.htex setlocal filetype=htex syntax=tex
"Uncomment the line below to automatically load Unicode
au BufRead,BufNewFile *?Script.sml source /home/gergely/HOL/tools/vim/holabs.vim
"Uncomment the line below to fold proofs
"au BufRead,BufNewFile *?Script.sml setlocal foldmethod=marker foldmarker=Proof,QED foldnestmax=1
augroup END
This is the HOL vim plugin . I want to edit *Script.sml files.
Now, when I write a ~/.vimrc file with the tip of this answer vim stops to read the plugin, which I recognise by the syntax highlighting stopped.
if system('uname -r') =~ "Microsoft"
augroup Yank
autocmd TextYankPost * :call system('clip.exe ',@")
augroup END
I wanted to use that .vimrc to make it possible to copy to the clipboard in a Windows Terminal for a WSL Linux using ctrl-c.
How can I make the two coexist, the HOL vim plugin and this clipboard extension in vimrc?
:help defaults
I think). You can runtime it or copy over bits or what have you. The most important for you are probablyfiletype plugin indent on
andsyntax enable
:help defaults
is indeed the correct reference.