I'm writing a script in which I am in need of closure functionalities. Take this function, for instance:

func! SetOpNorm(norm_comm, motion_key = 'y')
    let l:norm_comm = a:norm_comm
    let l:motion_key = a:motion_key
    let s:OpFun = { type, ... ->
        \ let l:NormFun = { sel ->
            \ sil exe 'normal!' l:norm_comm
            \ sil exe "normal! \<del>"
        \ }
        \ call function('s:MapOverOp', [l:NormFun, l:motion_key, a:type] + a:000)() }
    set opfunc=s:OpFun

The script would work except for the fact that vimscript closures accept an expr1 as their bodies and not a list of commands. Is there a way to work around this limitation?

I also tried using local functions to achieve the same result:

func! SetOpNorm(norm_comm, motion_key = 'y')
    let l:norm_comm = a:norm_comm
    let l:motion_key = a:motion_key
    func! OpFun(type, ...)
        func! NormFun(sel)
            sil exe 'normal!' l:norm_comm
            sil exe "normal! \<del>"
        call function('s:MapOverOp', [function('NormFun'), l:motion_key, a:type] + a:000)()
    set opfunc=OpFun

But after some testing I think that this doesn't work as the inner local functions do not capture their sorrounding context.

  • 1
    Don't you need closure following the args of the inner function, per :h func-closure ??
    – B Layer
    Commented Apr 8, 2021 at 9:08
  • If you mean closure as in a keyword I don't think so... I'm using neovim btw, mybe some things are different from regular vim
    – Dincio
    Commented Apr 8, 2021 at 9:10
  • Nevermid... I just read :h func-closure and it looks like exactly what I need. Didn't bother to look before because I had already read :h closure. The naming might be a bit ambigous XD
    – Dincio
    Commented Apr 8, 2021 at 9:12
  • I agree that it's not helpful having the information split across two sections although, to be fair, :func-closure is linked in closure (but the reverse isn't true).
    – B Layer
    Commented Apr 8, 2021 at 9:41

1 Answer 1


See :h func-closure to declare inner function as closure.

For an example of g@ implementation using closures you can look into my plugin source code: vim-opera.

  • Thanks this solved the problem (and also my bigger problem of reinventing the plugin you're mentioning).
    – Dincio
    Commented Apr 8, 2021 at 9:13

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