I want to match (search) all C code comments in a file in e.g.

   enum {
       /* Foo is so cool, why can't we all be more like foo? */
       /* but bar is mysterious and suave, like the James Bond of enum 
          and variable names. */

So, I want a regex that will match both the single and multiline C comments delimited by /* and */.

2 Answers 2


The problem with pure regex based solutions, is that there would be a few false-positives, like in:


char const* p = "/*";

/* bar */

/// foo

char const* e = "*/";

/* in strings would be matched as well.

I though at first that we could get around it with [* and ]*, but unfortunately, they are also regex based.

Though, we can have the correct behaviour with {skip} parameter in search()

:echo search('/\*\_.\{-}\*/\|//' ,'',0,0, 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~ "\\cstring"')

which is best defined as a mapping

" for a mapping defined this way, we have to double the '\' before the '|' to express the _or_
nnoremap <silent> [< :<c-u>call search('/\*\_.\{-}\*/\\|//' ,'',0,0, 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~ "\\cstring"')<cr>
  • Wouldn’t it also be possible to execute a search that only stops on specific highlight groups (eg cComment, or those that match comment case-insensitive)?
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Apr 7, 2021 at 12:39
  • 2
    @D.BenKnoble If we inverse the skip value it may be possible if there aren't any strange side effects on the bordaries of the syntax groups . Also, there are some comments groups "without" comment but doxygen in their name Apr 7, 2021 at 13:03
  • Might be worth noting that a relatively recent version of Vim is required to get the skip param. I don't have it in 8.2.486 (my other local build is 8.2.2434 which has it).
    – B Layer
    Apr 8, 2021 at 19:28
  • @BLayer My bad. I thought it was older than that. Apr 8, 2021 at 20:12

I already know but I searched the web and couldn't find the definitive answer for VIM (just every other regex language), and I won't remember this again in a week, so I am documenting it here.

And the answer is...


Lemme break it down.

To match the first \* you have to escape both the \ and the * so that's \/\*

To match the end you have to do the same for *\ so that's \*\/ at the end.

You want to include everything between those, this is where it gets tricky. You can use \_.* to match everything between (the \_ makes it multiline), but this is too greedy and will match everything between the first \* and the last *\.

To make it non-greedy use \_.\{-} instead of \_.* (\{-} uses a "shortest match first" algorithm) and so we get the above vim search regex.

  • 1
    Can't you do the standard *? instead of {-}?
    – wizzwizz4
    Apr 7, 2021 at 17:21
  • 1
    @wizzwizz4, you're confusing with perl. There is no such standard pattern in vim. See :h perl-patterns Apr 8, 2021 at 13:20

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