I'm new to VIM and I'm loving it. I'm learning slowly but surely. I've passed the point where there's enough benefit and not too much hassle. I'm using the VS code integration. I'm learning VIM (slowly) AND learning how to integrate VIM with VS Code successfully and with minimal collisions. So far so good.
There's one little collision that happens. When I hit exit I enter normal mode. Escape is my main goto to enter normal mode. I don't want to change that or use ctrl (right now at least) as I rely on that for other commands. I just don't want it to enter normal mode while I'm trying to exit a tooltip or IntelliSense auto complete.
Any way?
) or something else?Shift-Esc
to dismiss the unhelpful Intellisense window. UsingShift-Esc
instead ofEsc
avoids the transition to Normal mode. From here