I have tried ownsyntax but that does not work. I want do change the background color for only one window? I have tried this but it highlights all the windows.
hi Normal guibg=grey guifg=black
It looks like it is wincolor, not sure if there's another way to change without adding a group. Not sure why my answer of wincolor was deleted.
I am working on an Rgb colors plugin in which I need to be able to look at the random colors. I accomplish by using a popup window with wincolor which seems to to work fine. The colors are not fixed, I just used this dictionary to show as an example. If there are better solutions than mine I would appreciate a response.
let color_keys = keys(s:css_colors)
for index in range(0,len(color_keys) - 1 )
let color = color_keys[index]
let popid= Popup(color,60000, index * 4)
let cmd = 'hi TEMPCOLOR' . color . ' guibg='.color.' | let &wincolor="TEMPCOLOR'. color. '"'
call win_execute(popid,cmd)
Here is an example of one buffer in one color and another buffer in another color.