One thing I often do (but rely on the command line to do) is searching/grepping in multiple files.

Is there a way to display search results for all the open buffers?

Ideally, I'd like to have a new split buffer containing result location and snippet much like grep does. For example (/statistics):

models/statistics.php: /*! \file   statistics.php
controllers/stats.php: $this->load->model('statistics');
controllers/stats.php: // Query statistics...
controllers/stats.php: $num_exams = $this->statistics->countExams();

As a bonus, I'd like to be able to search for the term under the cursor, pretty much like gd does.


4 Answers 4


You can use :vimgrep /pattern/ {files} to populate the quickfix list with matching patterns. The problem is that :vimgrep files option doesn't directly allow for buffers. You can use:

%   Is replaced with the current file name.       *:_%* *c_%*
#   Is replaced with the alternate file name.     *:_#* *c_#*
#n  (where n is a number) is replaced with        *:_#0* *:_#n*
    the file name of buffer n.  "#0" is the same as "#".     *c_#n*
##  Is replaced with all names in the argument list   *:_##* *c_##*
    concatenated, separated by spaces.  Each space in a name
    is preceded with a backslash.
#<n (where n is a number > 0) is replaced with old    *:_#<* *c_#<*
    file name n.  See |:oldfiles| or |v:oldfiles| to get the
    number.                         *E809*
    {only when compiled with the |+eval| and |+viminfo| features}

Another option is to write a script that generates a file list from :buffers. Per this SO post with a slight tweek we get:

function! BuffersList()
  let all = range(0, bufnr('$'))
  let res = []
  for b in all
    if buflisted(b)
      call add(res, bufname(b))
  return res

function! GrepBuffers (expression)
  exec 'vimgrep/'.a:expression.'/ '.join(BuffersList())

command! -nargs=+ GrepBufs call GrepBuffers(<q-args>)

You can now call :GrepBufs <expression> and get the standard :vimgrep output but using the buffers instead.

Update If you would like to call GrepBuffers using the value under the cursor add this new mapping.

nnoremap <leader>z :call GrepBuffers("<C-R><C-W>")<CR>

When you are in normal mode type <leader>z and you'll :vimgrep the cursor word over your open buffers.

  • 2
    In single line form: command! -bang -nargs=+ Bufgrep execute 'vimgrep<bang><args> ' . join(map(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)'), '"#".v:val'), ' '). Usage: :Bufgrep/foo/ Commented Apr 17, 2015 at 16:33

Searching in only opened buffers is nice, but there may come a time where you want to search across an entire project. It can be faster and easier than you think!

Searching across a project

  • grep is the Unix standard search tool. Worth mentioning due to its ubiquity. Already integrated into Vim via :grep command. e.g. :grep -r 'foo'. See :h :grep.
  • Ack is faster than regular grep because it skips VCS directories, binary files, and can search for specific type of filetypes like --perl. For Vim integration see Ack.vim
  • Ag the Silver Surfer is a code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster. Vim plugin: Ag.vim
  • git grep searches a repository very quickly. Fugitive.vim provides :Ggrep.
  • Ripgrep is even faster than Ag and git grep. Can be used with :grep as well.

I recommend both ripgrep, Ag, and git grep as they are all super fast. I have searched over 4700+ in less than a 1 second. It's pretty hard to beat ripgrep.

To test out one of these alternatives without a plugin or you simply don't want a plugin you can set your 'grepprg' option accordingly. e.g. set grepprg=ag\ --vimgrep or set grepprg=rg\ --vimgrep. See :h 'grepprg' and :h 'grepformat' for more information. Now you can search via :grep. e.g. :grep 'foo'.

As a final fallback you can use :vimgrep as it is available on all systems that Vim is available. See :h :vimg for more help.

QuickFix List

As most of these options use the quickfix list I suggest you use some more friendly mappings to transverse the quickfix list. I use Tim Pope's unimpaired plugin which uses ]q and [q for :cnext and :cprev respectively. Some people like the quickfix to open after a search is performed then add the following to your ~/.vimrc file: autocmd QuickFixCmdPost *grep* cwindow. You can also manually open the QuickFix list via :copen.

Want even faster "searches"?

You are going to need to use some tool that uses a prebuilt indexes like ctags, cscope, or GNU global.

  • Vim has built in ctag support via :tag, <c-]>, and many other commands and options. See :h tags. Also may want to read Effortless Ctags with Git or look into the Gutentags plugin
  • Cscope support is also built in and can be used via :cscope command. See :h cscope

More help

I would start with this nice Vimcast episode: Search multiple files with :vimgrep.

For more Vim help see the documentation:

:h grep
:h :vimgrep
:h :grep
:h 'grepprg'
:h 'grepformat'
:h quickfix
:h :cnext
:h tags
:h cscope

Commands :bufdo and :vimgrepadd

This answer is based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/11976158/1057593.

However, I wanted add a few bits. Again the basic command is

:bufdo vimgrepadd pattern %

If your quickfix list is not empty, you probably want to clear it first. This can be done with :cexpr

:cexpr []

Mappings to cycle through matches

vim-unimpaired provides the mappings ]q and [q to cycle through the matches.

Workflow with the command line history

It is a convenient workflow to enter the search pattern separately with /pattern. This allows you to use a generic command from your command line history using the current search pattern. This would look like

:bufdo vimgrepadd // %

A typical new buffer wide search would be


I have added following mappings to my vimrc to use <C-N> and <C-P> instead of the arrow keys to stay with my hands on the home row

cmap <C-P> <Up>
cmap <C-N> <Down>

Note searching the command line history q: with /bufdo<CR> interferes with using the current search pattern. You could use :keepp /bufdo<cr>.

For more details on the command line history see the help pages :h history and :h cmdline-window and https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Using_command-line_history.

You can add to the reusable command :copen to immediately see the quickfix list in the following way:

:execute "bufdo vimgrepadd // %" | copen

The proposal from stackoverflow :bufdo vimgrepadd // % | copen opened several unintended windows in my case.

And with :cexpr [] the reusable command would become

:execute "cexpr [] | bufdo vimgrepadd // %" | copen

My GrepCommands plugin defines variants of the built-in :vimgrep command which target all arguments, listed buffers, windows in the current tab page or all tab pages for its search. Basically, a robust plugin implementation of @jecxjo's answer.

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