I want to do :set paste, paste, :set nopaste in one keyboard shortcut in insertmode (<C-r>*)

In visualmode, with vnoremap p "+p works with no indent. But in insertmode, this <C-r>* gives indent. How I can make <C-r>* work without indent?


2 Answers 2


There's Ctrl-RCtrl-O combo in insert mode (see :h i_CTRL-R_CTRL-O).

If setting :h 'paste' is needed, here are the mappings to do this (kind of emulating tpope/vim-unimpaired plugin):

    nnoremap <silent>[op :setl paste<Bar>au InsertLeave * ++once setl nopaste<CR>O
    nnoremap <silent>]op :setl paste<Bar>au InsertLeave * ++once setl nopaste<CR>o
    nnoremap <silent>yop :setl paste<Bar>au InsertLeave * ++once setl nopaste<CR>S
  • inoremap <C-R> <C-R><C-O> in .vimrc seems a good option as well.
    – Quasímodo
    Dec 27, 2020 at 23:59

I don't know if there is a setting for that but with the :set paste and :set nopaste commands you can do this mapping:

:inoremap <silent> <C-R>* <Esc>:set paste<CR>i<C-R>*<Esc>:set nopaste<CR>

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