I like formating code this way:

class A

unlike another common way:

class B {

The thing is, when using the % command to go to the enclosing bracket, which is very useful for copying/deleting loops/functions, it doesn't work so well on the first case - it just doesn't work if my cursor is on the line without the brackets.

Does anyone know how to change this?

2 Answers 2


I tried to figure if Vim had some option for this and I believe it doesn't. So I wrote a Vim script to do the job. Just add it to your .vimrc.

function Percent_nextline()
    let line = getline('.')
    if line =~ "{"
        normal! %
        let line = getline(line('.')+1)
        if line =~ "{"
            normal! j%

nnoremap g% :<C-u>call Percent_nextline()<cr>
onoremap g% :<C-u>execute 'normal! V'<Bar>call Percent_nextline()<cr>

This script maps the behaviour you want to g%. With the cursor on the line class A you can type g% and the cursor will jump to the closing curly bracket. It can be preceded with commands like c, d and y.

I implemented this by simply checking if the current line contains a {. If it does then the command behaves as %. If it doesn't the following line is checked and if a { is found the % command is called upon that line. The onoremap makes it possible to use the mapping in operator-pending mode, which is used by c, d and y.

I am sure this script could be improved. It is my first :)

I want to thank @IngoKarkat for helping me in How to make a movement function work with delete, yank, etc.

  • 1
    You should add the case for when you are on } to keep the muscle memory the same.
    – jecxjo
    Commented May 4, 2015 at 3:04

With the vim-textobj-user plugin, it is very easy to define your own motions.

You didn't mention which language you're using, but a naive example for C++ might be something like:

call textobj#user#plugin('cpp', {
    \   'code': {
        \     'pattern': ['^class .*\n{', '^}'],
        \     'select-a': 'ac',
        \     'select-i': 'ic',
    \ },

You can use vac to select "A class", or vic to select the inner class; or dic to delete the entire inner class, yic to yank it, etc.

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