I know I can get the current mode, via mode()
, but is it possible to set the current mode from viml or preferably lua (though I know a vim command/fn can be gotten to via the lua bridge).
I know I can (nvim_)feedkeys(<mode>)
, but it feels like it's kind of a backwards way, faking input to alter state. :insert
is for inserting lines, :normal
runs commands in normal mode, but doesn't actually change the editor mode.
Is there really no win_set_mode('n')
or similar? feedkeys
is the correct method?
Edit per comment:
Specifically right now, today, this moment, I want to call nvim_set_current_window(win_nr)
and then enter insert or normal mode in that window depending on other contexts.
I can do:
local keys = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<ESC>", true, false, true)
vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(keys, "i", true)
but I'd much rather:
vim.api.nvim_set_mode('i') -- or vim.fn.some_vim_mode_fn('i')
if it exists.
But I've had the same class of issue when writing vimscript and wanting to toggle mode.
imap ... <Cmd>...
) since <Cmd> can run without changing the mode of whatever context it's running in. I could put<esc>
in the imap but I wanted to know if the described functionality existed.:startinsert
is probably as close as it gets if you want to put it as an answer..startinsert
is also mentioned here but a command to change to other modes appears to not exist.