The assigned character for comments is "
for vimscript. But i want to change it to some other character (like *
or #
for example).
Based on this post, it seems like the string setlocal commentstring=\"%s
in the file vim.vim
(which is usually in /usr/local/share/vim/vimversion_number_here
) is only to add appropriate comment tags around Vim fold markers (thanks to @BLayer in the comment for pointing this out).
But if possible, i would want to have a third character for comment (since #
work for vimscript9 for comment, though i don't know where it's defined).
How could i do this?
directory, as i described in my post. Thing is, i don't know how to set more than three different character for comment, as the same time (since the#
char already work +"
for vimscript) @BLayerzf
. Example: Comment out characters for zf I've never encountered this setting before, TBH.