I have Vim on Ubuntu 18.04 and I am trying to use the vim-latex package. By typing :set rtp?
on Vim I get the following output:
From that, it seems to me that the vim-latex package is indeed installed. However, I haven't been able to make the package start automatically once I open a latex file on vim. I am assuming (maybe incorrectly, so I would thank any corrections to my thinking) that this is happening because I haven't completed step 2 of the vim-latex installation as in their Installation Instructions page, which includes adding filetype plugin on
to my ~/.vimrc.
By typing :version
on Vim, I get the following output:
system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"
Inspecting my system, I couldn't find $HOME/.vimrc
, so I created one. I could find ~/.vim/vimrc
, but my system did not let me make changes to it. Nevertheless, when I start a .tex file on Vim I believe it still does not start the package as I don't see anything similar to what is describe in this tutorial.
Some further details:
By running :filetype
I get filetype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:ON
. I was getting indent:OFF
before adding the line for indetation in my $HOME/.vimrc
, so I believe it is getting the right file.
By running :verbose set ft?
I get:
Defined last time in /usr/share/vim/vim80/autoload/dist/ft.vim
By running scriptnames
I get:
1: /usr/share/vim/vimrc
2: /usr/share/vim/vim80/debian.vim
3: /usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/syntax.vim
4: /usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/synload.vim
5: /usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/syncolor.vim
6: /usr/share/vim/vim80/filetype.vim
7: ~/.vimrc
8: /usr/share/vim/vim80/ftplugin.vim
9: /usr/share/vim/vim80/indent.vim
10: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim
11: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/gzip.vim
12: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/logiPat.vim
13: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/manpager.vim
14: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/matchparen.vim
15: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
16: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/rrhelper.vim
17: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/spellfile.vim
18: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/tarPlugin.vim
19: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/tohtml.vim
20: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim
21: /usr/share/vim/vim80/plugin/zipPlugin.vim
22: ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start/vim-latex-1.10.0/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim
23: ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start/vim-latex-1.10.0/plugin/filebrowser.vim
24: ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start/vim-latex-1.10.0/plugin/imaps.vim
25: ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start/vim-latex-1.10.0/plugin/remoteOpen.vim
26: /usr/share/vim/vim80/autoload/dist/ft.vim
27: /usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/plaintex.vim
28: /usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/initex.vim
29: /usr/share/vim/vim80/ftplugin/plaintex.vim
30: /usr/share/vim/vim80/ftplugin/initex.vim
I will be very grateful to anyone that can help me figure out what's happening. I would like to apologize in advance if I did not provide all the details needed (I am new to Vim). Let me know if you need more information. Thanks!
OBS: Following this I have added the tree path of my vim-latex installation if it helps:
~/.vim$ tree -L 5
├── pack
│ └── bundle
│ └── start
│ └── vim-latex-1.10.0
│ ├── compiler
│ ├── doc
│ ├── ftplugin
│ ├── indent
│ ├── latextags
│ ├── ltags
│ ├── Makefile
│ ├── Makefile.in
│ ├── plugin
│ ├── README.md
│ └── vim-latex.metainfo.xml
├── tags
└── tags-te
command to check whether it's enabled, do you seefiletype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:ON
? When you open a LaTeX file, what does:verbose set ft?
tell you? After opening the LaTeX file, use the:scriptnames
command to see which Vim scripts and plug-ins were loaded. Please edit the question to include this information.