I've defined the following autocmds, which active/deactivate relative line numbers, depending on whether I'm in Insert mode or not:

" Relative line numbers, except Insert mode
augroup toggle_relative_number
autocmd InsertEnter * :setlocal norelativenumber
autocmd InsertLeave * :setlocal relativenumber

The problem I'm facing is that autocmd InsertLeave * :setlocal relativenumber only gets executed, when I leave Insert mode using Escape - not using Ctrl+C.

How can I also execute the autocmd, when I leave Insert mode using Ctrl+C.?

1 Answer 1


From :h i_CTRL-C (emphasis mine):

Quit insert mode, go back to Normal mode. Do not check for abbreviations. Does not trigger the InsertLeave autocommand event.

However, you could remap <C-c> as follows:

inoremap <C-c> <C-c>:doautocmd InsertLeave<CR>

if you really want to use Ctrl+c.


:h i_CTRL-C
:h :doautocmd
:h InsertLeave
  • 1
    Iow, don’t use C-c :) it breaks a lot things
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Sep 8, 2020 at 22:32
  • @D.BenKnoble I'm not sure what you mean. Commented Sep 9, 2020 at 3:01
  • 1
    do never map <c-c>, you loose the ability to break existing running scripts. Commented Sep 9, 2020 at 7:10
  • @ChristianBrabandt Would it be OK to map <C-c> as in the second example? It still sends <C-c> at the end, with additional steps. Commented Sep 9, 2020 at 16:19
  • 1
    @JakeGrossman I am not sure. I thought as soon as you map <c-c> to something, you loose the ability to interrupt anything. even when it contains another <c-c>. But from my limited testing it seems to work. But I wouldn't bet on it. Commented Sep 10, 2020 at 7:19

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