as we know that we can use Vim to browse a directory. My question is what does number + Enter do on a file list?
I thought it equivalent to number + j + Enter, however, after I enter into a file, using :b#
leads me to another "unpredictable" location.
Eg, suppose we have /A/B/f1 /A/B/f2 /A/B/f3 /A/C/f4 /A/C/f5
When I enter into folder A from Vim and the cursor is on ../
, what will happen if I type 2 + Enter or 3 + Enter? When a file is open, what will happen when I type :b#
in this case?
:help netrw-cr
does not document any use of the count. Most attempts I have made result inInvalid range: call s:UseBufWinVars()