I use autocompletion a lot, especially for long path names:


$ /home/au/Doc<tab> <tab>uments/A<tab> <tab>\ file\ with\ a\ very\ long\ name

This can be performed within vim:

:!ls <full path - with tabbed autocompletion>

What is the best way to get a long and difficult to accurately type path into the current buffer?

I was thinking along the lines of using the :!ls one above, then going back to the start of the line and changing the :!ls bit to yank the text (I have no idea how to achieve this)

1 Answer 1


The last command executed is available in a register. Specifically, the : register. So autocomplete the path, submit the command and then in the buffer in Normal mode simply


...to paste in the command and path. Edit away the non-path parts as needed.

For a bit more of an automated approach you can extract the filename before dumping it into the buffer.

Let's say my command was :!ls /foo/bar/baz.txt. Following that with...

:let @x = split(@:, " ")[-1]

(Assuming no spaces in your path!) This splits the output on spaces and takes the last element ([-1]) of the resulting list (ie. the path) and stores it into register 'x' ... and we know that pasting the register's contents into the buffer is just a matter of "xp. (Basic registers are a familiar and easy way to get vim command output into a buffer. I mention one of various alternatives at the end of this post.)

Taking things way beyond minimums, you could even have Vim parse the path using the fnamemodify() function which takes a path and one or more modifiers that can do things like extract the head, file only, extension, all but extension, etc.

For example, after the !ls command do:

:let @x = fnamemodify(split(@:, " ")[-1], ":p:h")

Where the modifiers indicate "head" of "(full) path" That will save /foo/bar into register x and then, as before, insert it with "xp.

Vim can do all kinds of path/string processing. This is just a couple examples to introduce the idea. (Or you may just want to paste register : as is and be done with it.)

Alternatives to register :

Another quick way to get part of a previously executed command is to hit q: which will put you in Ex mode. There you can look at any command in history and cut/paste any bits you want to transfer to the buffer. Navigate in the window that is opened in this mode just like you navigate a normal buffer.

An interesting approach that never even crossed my mind is mentioned in a comment below by @D.Ben Knoble : from Insert mode enter a / (as in filesystem root) and trigger filename completion with <c-x><c-f>. A popup will show all top level dirs and files and you can select one with <c-y> then hit <c-x><c-f> again and choose another and so on. A little awkward for me personally versus a bunch of <Tab>s but clever enough to deserve a mention here. :)

Path in command output

What if the command output rather than the command itself contains the path (or anything else you want to extract). Here are a few things you can do.

  • From Insert mode use the expression register to run a command. Output will be fed directly to the buffer. :h @=
  • Use :put =command(args) to insert command output. (This is similar mechanism to that used in previous item.) :h :put
  • Use redirection to store command output in a register or variable. (:h :redi)
  • Also Ctrl-x ctrl-f?
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented May 31, 2020 at 14:22
  • @D.BenKnoble Just noticed this. OP's primary use case is leveraging command-line for auto-completion of, I believe, absolute paths (especially long ones). I thought ctrl-x ctrl-f just presents you with files in the cwd. What did you have in mind?
    – B Layer
    Commented Jun 2, 2020 at 20:15
  • You can start with / :P just thought it might be worth a mention.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Jun 2, 2020 at 20:43
  • @D.BenKnoble LOL. Oh. Didn't think of that. Thanks. I'll play around with it when I get a minute.
    – B Layer
    Commented Jun 2, 2020 at 21:08
  • 1
    @D.BenKnoble Finally gave you your due. :D
    – B Layer
    Commented Jun 12, 2020 at 5:29

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