Imagine the following asynchronous job to convert a given file to odt :

let mdfile = 'testfile.md'
call jobstart (['bash', '-c', 'pandoc ' . mdfile . ' -s -f markdown -o test.odt'], {'on_exit': 'OnEvent'})

Is there a way to pass the mdfile variable to the OnEvent function ?


1 Answer 1


Have you tried partials?

{'on_exit': function('OnEvent', [parameters])}

This is what I do in lh-tags+lh-vim-lib to register things like: delete a temporary file and print a finished message on close_cb with vim -- I've never tried to use neovim.

  • Neovim fully supports partials.
    – Matt
    May 27, 2020 at 12:09
  • Thanx for the answer. But with your solution, how could I also pass the "data" parameter of the job to check whether it has succeded or not inside of the called function ? I know I could create another function called by the on_err event, but is this possible to do it in the same function as the one called by on_exit ?
    – Dupond
    May 27, 2020 at 12:57
  • Also, I've taken a look at :h partial, but I haven't understood how I could use a dictionary for my use case... Any help would be grately appreciated, thanx !
    – Dupond
    May 27, 2020 at 13:21
  • I cannot help you with neovim specificities regarding jobs. With Vim, I only register close_cb, and I check the result of jobinfo(). See my async job queue object in lh-vim-lib. May 27, 2020 at 19:59
  • Regarding partials, in vim, the most useful help is the one from function(). May 27, 2020 at 20:00

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