Do I need to add other language files for syntax etc.. if I already have vim-polyglot which have pretty much every language.
If I install another language package will they conflict with each other?
Do I need to add other language files for syntax etc.. if I already have vim-polyglot which have pretty much every language.
If I install another language package will they conflict with each other?
Vim's ftplugin (also syntax etc.) uses :runtime!
to load 2nd level plugins which means all found files will be sourced. Also normally ftplugin plugins include the standard guard at the top of file
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if (exists("b:did_ftplugin"))
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
For this reason, there should not be any kind of "simple conflict", but you'll be dependent on the load-order instead. As the load-order itself depends on (reverse) lexicographical order, it doesn't seem any practical.
So you probably have to deal with package own setup, such as let g:polyglot_disabled = ['foobar']
, as suggested in polyglot's README.