Working with big projects, I often find myself needing to view/edit several files at once.

If I have multiple buffers open, is there a way to split the window to view multiple files in one command?

E.g. usually I begin my workflow by entering my project's root directory, entering vim in the terminal, and then entering :n **/*.py to recursively load all python files that exist in the project as buffers.

Simple example, I have these buffers:

  1 %a   ".vimrc"                       line 1
  2      "rsync_to_home.bash"           line 0
  3      "README.md"                    line 0
  4      ".zshrc"                       line 0

I want to split the screen to show "rsync_to_home.bash", ".zshrc", along with the current buffer (.vimrc), as horizontally split windows. To accomplish this, I would have to do:

:sb 2 <Enter>
:sb 4 <Enter>

But calling :sb for each file individually is tedious, and :sb 2 4 doesn't work. Also, if I'm working with a lot of files, I would probably have to repeat :ls between the :sb calls to make sure I'm calling the right buffer numbers.

  • 2
    You can also pass :sb a buffer name... For example :sb rsy followed by :sb zsh, with any unique substring of the buffer (file) name. Regarding using a single command, how about joining them with |? :sb rsy|sb zsh should work...
    – filbranden
    Commented May 14, 2020 at 0:05
  • Joining the calls works, I'll go with that or I'll create a function and add to .vimrc if that's the only way
    – WalksB
    Commented May 14, 2020 at 0:49

4 Answers 4


You could write a wrapper to do all the commands at once:

command -bar -nargs=+ -complete=buffer Sbuffers execute map([<f-args>], {_, b -> printf("sbuffer %s", b)})->join("|")

Usage: Sbuffers file1 file2 file3

Completion will use buffer names (so the buffers have to have been loaded). You can tweak this to use any file names with -complete=file, though according to :help :sbuffer files loaded from outside the buffer list will not have 'buflisted' set.

The general idea is to build up the string sbuffer b for each buffer b, and then join them with | to be one command:

sbuffer b1|sbuffer b2|sbuffer b3

And then :execute the whole lot.

We can do this by mapping over the list of arguments ([<f-args>]<f-args> turns the arguments into a list suitable for a function call, which happens to the be same form as needed to make a literal list with []). The one subtlety is that lambdas/Funcrefs given to map are given both the index/key and the value, hence the _ wildcard in the lambda arguments.


As filbranden pointed out, it is possible by joining the sb calls like e.g. this:

:sb rsy|sb zsh

This is useful for when first loading a large project. E.g. by going to project root directory, entering vim in terminal, calling :n **/*.py to load all python files recursively under the current directory (project root), then calling :ls to view all loaded files in buffer, and then to view multiple individual files on one window you use :sb file1.py|sb file2.py|sb file3.py ...


Just adding on to d-ben-knoble's answer (stackexchange won't let me comment on it yet), I mapped:

  • <leader>v (Vertical splits)
  • <leader>z (horiZontal splits)

I'm sure others will need to use other letters for the mapping.

command -bar -nargs=+ -complete=buffer Sbuffers execute map([<f-args>], {_, b -> printf("sbuffer %s", b)})->join("|")
nnoremap <leader>z :ls<cr>:Sbuffers<space>
command -bar -nargs=+ -complete=buffer Vbuffers execute map([<f-args>], {_, b -> printf("vsplit \#%s", b)})->join("|")
nnoremap <leader>v :ls<cr>:Vbuffers<space>

So, to get 4 vertically split windows with buffers 1-4, if your leader key is default \, you can type straight from normal mode:

\v 2 3 4

Note: Vim 8.0.1763 (and earlier?) don't like the post command: ->join, so

command -bar -nargs=+ -complete=buffer Sbuffers execute join(map([<f-args>], {_, b -> printf("sbuffer %s", b)}), "|")
nnoremap <leader>z :ls<cr>:Sbuffers<space>
command -bar -nargs=+ -complete=buffer Vbuffers execute join(map([<f-args>], {_, b -> printf("vsplit \#%s", b)}), "|")
nnoremap <leader>v :ls<cr>:Vbuffers<space>

If you know you want to open the files in multiple windows you can call vim with the following flags:

   -o[N]        Open N windows (default: one for each file)
   -O[N]        Like -o but split vertically

in your example:

vim -o **/*.py

would load all the files into their own window.

  • 1
    Note: this may not open a separate window for all the files, if there is not enough room (e.g. you are trying to open too many files at once) Commented Dec 23, 2022 at 11:33

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