I use the enter key as my leader:
nnoremap <cr> <nop> " To avoid moving the cursor
let mapleader="\<enter>"
So far so good. To have the same behavior on Dirvish I need to remap enter to <nop>
again, otherwise when I press it, it navigates to the path under the cursor (which I don't need because gf
is already burned in my brain):
augroup DirvishSetUp
autocmd FileType dirvish
\ nnoremap <buffer> <cr> <nop> |
\ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> gf :call dirvish#open('edit', 0)<cr>
augroup END
It works as expected, except for an annoying little detail: If I searched something previously, on any buffer, and press the enter key on the Dirvish one and wait, the last search gets repeated. :nmap
shows the following for <cr>
n <CR> *@<nop><Space>
n <CR> * <Nop>
Why is this happening? (Not sure if relevant, but this is on Neovim 0.4.3)
\ nnoremap <buffer> <cr> <nop>|
Does doing so change the output ofnmap <cr>
. Remove it; otherwise<nop>
is no longer handled like a no-op, but as a sequence of literal keys (<
).:h <Nop>
says nothing