I have a snippet for C-like languages that looks like this:

snippet { "braces"

I would like to restrict this snippet to expand only if the tab trigger occurs at the end of the line.

I tried to use a regex trigger instead ({$) without success. To quote the documentation: "The snippet is expanded if the recently typed characters match the regular expression".

  • A regex snippet will not work because "The snippet is expanded if the recently typed characters match the regular expression." So it will always match /{$/ even if it's in the middle of the line...
    – filbranden
    Commented May 1, 2020 at 12:07

1 Answer 1


Nevermind, I figured out how to implement it as a custom context snippet:

snippet { "braces" "snip.column == len(snip.buffer[snip.line]) - 1" e

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