I'm working with python 2.7 scripts that I need to update to python 3.8 while maintaining backwards compatibility. vim-flake8 on my mac has been working great up until now for python 2.7, but I can't find a why to easily swap between python 2 and 3 on the fly. This is because Flake8 is "smart" about whether to use 2 or 3 based on which one runs it - there doesn't appear to be an option/argument.
How can I tell vim-flake8 which python version to evaluate my scripts as?
Ideally I would like to have two hotkeys (F2, F3) that allow me to run either, similar to 'python -m flake8' or 'python3 -m flake8'. I could write this directly into my vimrc, but the flake8 plugin has some really nice features to help quickly make fixes. I could not find any mention of swapping python versions on the vim-flake8 github.
let g:flake8_cmd = "python -m flake8"
orlet g:flake8_cmd = "python3 -m flake8"
before invokingcall flake8#Flake8()<CR>
in your F2 and F3 mappings?