The way I like to do this is by using tmux to send the compilation command to another terminal. I like this method because it behaves as if you had typed the command in that terminal yourself.
Add this to your .vimrc
(note this code uses latexmk
instead of pdflatex
function! TmuxSend()
let tex_file = expand('%:p')
let tex_cmd = 'latexmk -pdf -interaction=nonstopmode -cd ' . tex_file
let tmux_cmd = 'tmux send-keys -t vim_output.0 "' . tex_cmd . '" ENTER'
let output = system(tmux_cmd)
autocmd FileType tex :nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <F5> :call TmuxSend()<CR>
Now, open another terminal and create a tmux session named "vim_output": tmux new-session -s vim_output
. Now, when you press F5 in Vim, the latexmk
command will be run in the terminal you just created.