I'm using Nerd-tree for vim. Whenever I use :NERDTreeToggle key, it opens up two directory windows instead of one, like soenter image description here

It's only when I type :qon one of the windows does it become like this enter image description here How do I get it to only open one window on pressing the nerd-toggle key? Here's the content of my .vimrc(not created by me).

3 Answers 3


I found this answer. Putting this code in my .vimrc file helped solve the issue, now I only get one directory window instead of two.
au VimEnter * NERDTree


Just comment out the lines from 80 to 94 and things will be fine.

As, it looks to me, the reason for this is because of opening NERDTreeFind , a new directory window is opened.


on line 94 of your .vimrc replace BufEnter with BufRead like so

autocmd BufEnter * call SyncTree()

autocmd BufRead * call SyncTree()

With this line you don't need to have NERDTree always open when opening a file (which is what your current answer - au VimEnter * NERDTree does)

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