Can anyone show me how to catch the last badly spelled word when vim says ...hit BOTTOM? I tried to do it like this:

while 1
        " Jump to the next
        silent keepjumps normal! ]s                                                                                
        let counter += 1
    catch /^Vim[^)]\+):E38[45]\D/
        " do some stuff

Cycling through the badly spelled words works (as it seems to me) like cycling through the searched words. Indeed, if I replace ]s with n and then do some search the try-catch works fine.

1 Answer 1


Why don't you disable the wrapping momentarily while the function is executing?

function! CountAll() abort
  let ws = &wrapscan
  set nowrapscan
    keepjumps normal! gg
    " FIXME: If the first word is an error, count it
    " - may be with a reverse search? 
    " - Or by testing the syntax highlighting under the cursor
    let nb = 0
    let p = getcurpos()
    while 1
      silent! keepjumps normal! ]s

      let p2 = getcurpos()
      if p == p2
        " echomsg "No more errors"
      " else, found...
      let p = p2
      let nb += 1
    let &wrapscan = ws
  return nb

PS: I was hoping that catch would be able to recognize the "no more error" case. Alas, with :silent it just makes Vim blink. We need to track cursor positions.

  • thanks, Luc. It seems to me that I've already tried something like this... The problem is that you have to count them one-by-one. As we well know, many if statements (plus setting/getting/moving of the cursor) when cycling slow down the program, and in fact after cycling the first 100 wrong words in the document the benchmarks starts to fail down seriously.
    – Max_Payne
    Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 18:30
  • My goal is to try to move in tens (silent! keepjumps normal! 10]s), then maybe to approximate a little, if the document is greater than 1000 lines so go with 50]s. This will be faster than counting them one-by-one since it runs in C. The dilemma is that you don't know if 10]s is actually 10 jumps maybe is 9? If is less than 10 the try-catch will stop you before making let nb += 10 so in the catch section you know that the last ten words you need to count them one-by-one, and at the same time you know that you will never count progressively more than 9 times, I think...
    – Max_Payne
    Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 18:30
  • 1
    Another possible approach could be to transform/filter line parts that exhibit misspellings syntax-hl. I was able to have acceptable performances to filter out comments with my lh#syntax#line_filter(). May be it could be adapted. The important trick for good performances is to loop with map(), filter() and reduce with join(). Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 18:54
  • 1
    Back to my initial answer, you could remember the n-2 position, and start back from this position to increment with step/2, and again recursively until the step is 1. Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 18:58

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