vimdoc says:

Before unloading a buffer.  
NOTE: When this autocommand is executed, the
current buffer "%" may be different from the
buffer being unloaded "<afile>".
Don't change to another buffer or window, it
will cause problems!

If the current buffer isn't the deleted/unloaded buffer, then can I access b: variables? I have a buffer that has a temp file and if the buffer goes away, I want to clean up the temp file.


let b:example_tempfile = tempname()
augroup example
    au BufUnload <buffer> call delete(b:example_tempfile)
augroup END

1 Answer 1


Use :h <afile> to get unloading buffer name, use :h getbufvar() to get buffer local variable.

let b:example_tempfile = tempname()
augroup example
    au BufUnload <buffer> echom getbufvar( expand('<afile>'), 'example_tempfile' )
augroup END
bunload %


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