Is there an easier way to find a particular change in Vim's undo tree than just looking at random old versions of the file one at a time (either using vanilla VIM commands, Gundo, or another plugin)?
Ideally, I'd like to enter a search pattern to be matched against all of the diffs shown in the preview pane by Gundo, and then have Gundo show me which versions have diffs that match that search.
This question asks something almost identical, but the asker has accepted an answer that simply recommends Gundo, which, wonderful though it is, doesn't appear to do what I'm asking for.
I have pitched this as a new feature for Gundo, but received no response.
EDIT: There is an open request for this feature for undotree.
NOTE: This question has been "manually migrated" from superuser.
would be a good tag for this question, but unfortunately that tag doesn't exist yet, and I have no rep.