I was reading through the vim wiki about the power of g https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Power_of_g and would like to do something similar to :g/pattern/y A but a little bit different.

I have an html file with tags that have a bunch of properties like this:


I would like to append to register a, the value inside the prop quotes. Is this possible using :g or some other method? Here is what I tried:

:g/prop/normal yi" A

but this just yanks the very last prop value instead of a whole list. Of course I could do:

:g/prop/y A

but this would give me:


which is not what I'm looking for. Is this possible?

3 Answers 3


You're confusing the passing of the register to :yank (Ex command) vs. y (normal mode). For the latter, instead of appending the register, it must come before the y command, and with the " prefix: "Ayi" (with register A, yank the inner " double quoted text)

:let @a = '' | g/prop/normal! "Ayi"

Note that as the yank is characterwise, all matches will be appended without any separator (resulting in prop1prop2). You could add a separator like this:

:let @a = '' | :g/prop/let @a .= " " | normal! "Ayi"
  • Thanks! This was really helpful. I'm a little confused about your second example though. I did notice the characterwise issue with the first command and the second one did fix it, but I'm not sure I understand whats going on with the \d/ part of it. I can see you are appending to a with let @a .= " " but how does the \d factor in? Nov 27, 2019 at 19:41
  • Oh, I just added the \d to make it match just once in a line. Doesn't matter with :global, though; just ignore it. Nov 27, 2019 at 20:17

Somebody had a similar problem: vim yank all matches of regex group into register.

In your case regex will be prop="\zs.*\ze".

\zs denotes where the match will start in the "substitution" (yanking to register), and \ze where to end.


A slightly different variation using :h gn motion:

let @a='' | g/prop="\zs.*\ze"/normal! "Aygn

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