:h :highlight is used to define highlight group. What you want is the :h :match , :h matchadd() families.
This is how I will do it.
Highlight arbitary area without staying in visual mode, all wise type should be supported.
How to do it
The job can be split into three main parts:
Select arbitary area:
There are two ways to select arbitary area in vim.
- Operator ( bound to
- visual select
Highlight it.
We will use :h matchadd() to do it. We can use :h /\%l , :h /\%c to to control the highlight area precisely.
Remove highlight area where the cursor is on.
We will create a map ,hh
for this. We must keep track of every highlighted area and compare current cursor position with them in order for this to work.
The result
So after finishing it, you can use ,h{motion}
to highlight some area and ,hh
to remove highlight under cursor.
You can also select arbitary area in any visual mode you like and use ,h
to highlight it.
Build the skeleton
I call a highlight area a hblock
. wnd_hblocks
is a list of hblocks per window.
nnoremap ,h :set opfunc=AddHighlight<CR>g@
vnoremap ,h :<C-U>call AddHighlight(visualmode(), 1)<CR>
nnoremap ,hh :call <sid>remove_cursor_highlights()<cr>
function AddHighlight(type, ...) abort
let visual = get(a:000, 0, 0)
let hblock = s:create_hblock(a:type, visual)
call s:highlight(hblock)
function s:remove_cursor_highlights() abort
let wnd_hblocks = s:get_wnd_hblocks( bufwinid('') )
" clear highlight
call map( copy(wnd_hblocks),
\ { i,v -> s:contain( v, getcurpos() ) && matchdelete(v.hid) } )
" clear hblocks
call filter( wnd_hblocks, { i,v -> !s:contain( v, getcurpos() ) } )
The data structure
We will keep track of every hblock, including it's start, end position and selection type.
" { winid: [ {hid: , start: , end: , wise : }, ... ] , ... }
" hid : highlight id return from matchadd
" start : start of cursor pos, same as getcurpos()
" end : ditto
" wise : v, V or "\<c-v>"
let s:hblocks = {}
function s:create_hblock(type, visual) abort
if a:visual
let wise = visualmode()
let start = getpos("'<")
let end = getpos("'>")
let wise = a:type ==# 'char' ? 'v' : a:type ==# 'line' ? 'V' : "\<c-v>"
let start = getpos("'[")
let end = getpos("']")
return {'wise':wise, 'start':start, 'end': end}
Rest of the book keeping and highlighting
function s:highlight(hblock) abort
let pattern = s:build_pattern(a:hblock)
" lazy man's debug register
let @/ = pattern
let a:hblock.hid = matchadd('VISUAL', pattern)
let wnd_hblocks = s:get_wnd_hblocks( bufwinid('') )
call insert(wnd_hblocks, a:hblock)
function s:get_wnd_hblocks(winid)
if !has_key(s:hblocks, a:winid)
let s:hblocks[a:winid] = []
return s:hblocks[a:winid]
function s:contain(hblock, pos)
let [l0,c0] = a:hblock.start[1:2]
let [l1,c1] = a:hblock.end[1:2]
let [l2,c2] = a:pos[1:2]
if l2 < l0 || l2 > l1
return 0
if a:hblock.wise ==# 'V'
return 1
elseif a:hblock.wise ==# "\<c-v>"
return c2 >= c0 || c2 <= c1
" not ( cursor in the upper left corner or cursor in the lower right corner)
return !( l2 == l0 && c2 < c0 || l2 == l1 && c2 > c1 )
function s:build_pattern(hblock)
let [l0,c0] = a:hblock.start[1:2]
let [l1,c1] = a:hblock.end[1:2]
if a:hblock.wise ==# 'V'
return printf('\v%%>%dl^.*%%<%dl', l0 - 1, l1 + 1)
elseif a:hblock.wise ==# "\<c-v>"
" restrict cols on all lines
return printf('\v%%>%dl%%>%dc.*%%<%dl%%<%dc', l0 - 1, c0 - 1, l1 + 1, c1 + 1)
if l0 != l1
" mid lines | tail of 1st line | head of last line
return printf('\v%%>%dl^.*%%<%dl|%%%dl%%>%dc.*|%%%dl%%<%dc.*', l0, l1, l0, c0 - 1, l1, c1 + 1)
" mid of the only line
return printf('\v%%%dl%%>%dc.*%%%dl%%<%dc', l0, c0 - 1, l1, c1 + 1)