I'm using coc.nvim for react (typescript) development. I have installed following coc plugins.

  • coc-tslint-plugin
  • coc-tsserver
  • coc-prettier

tslint integration is enabled for prettier in coc-settings.json.

"prettier.eslintIntegration": true,
"prettier.tslintIntegration": true,
"prettier.stylelintIntegration": true,
coc.preferences.formatOnSaveFiletypes": ["typescriptreact"],

When a tsx is saved, it formats the file but it is logging following warning messages.

[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'no-array-mutation' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'no-object-mutation' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'promise-function-async' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'await-promise' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'no-floating-promises' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'no-for-in-array' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'no-inferred-empty-object-type' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'no-null-undefined-union' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'no-restricted-globals' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'no-unbound-method' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'no-unsafe-any' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'no-void-expression' rule requires type information.
[coc.nvim] error: Warning: The 'restrict-plus-operands' rule requires type information.

How do I enable type information for coc.prettier?

1 Answer 1


After a quick google, I found this, which suggests this is not a coc.nvim issue, but a typescript configuration issue.

my understanding is you'd need to provide the typeCheck: true config option to ts-loader, at the cost of tslint running slower

That said, the issue hasn't had much activity in a year.

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