I am coming from statically types languages, but I will have to be using python for the next few years and I want to get my setup as smooth as possible.
Right now I am using vim-jedi, and deoplete-jedi for python autocompletion. It's a dynamic language, so static analysis is not as good as it is for static languages and I find myself having to google library docs often which is really REALLY annoying. For example...
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# jedi will complete the next lines subplot function
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# on the instantiated class I get no autocompletion whatsoever, if I want to see the methods, I have to google docs
I want to be able to see the instantiated class methods without having to go outside of vim. The best would be...
- If I could get the method autocompletion to work
- If I could pull up the docs for that class (vim-jedi, will pull up docs on the subplot method, but then i'll have to chase down what it returns, etc which is probably harder than just googling so I need a faster way to get to it)
Does anyone know if there is a way to accomplish what I want, or do I just have to leave and google everything when I need to see methods?