After upgrading to Windows 10 1903 (18362.175), in Window Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Ubuntu 18.04, the background color is always set to black when scrolling backward in vi
, vim
, man
and maybe some other tools.
Is there a workaround involving vi configuration or shell commands? (I would rather not install a different terminal emulator.)
1 Answer
This Windows 10 terminal issue is documented in Vim background color renders incorrectly. A workaround is to set the vi background color to one of 16 working colors. In ~/.vimrc put:
highlight Normal ctermfg=black ctermbg=lightgrey
When in vim, this sets the text color to black and the background color to lightgrey.
Use :help cterm-colors
in vim to see other working color names.
Also, in Windows 10 1903, Linux files can now be accessed from Windows. See link So a graphical editor like gvim ( can be used.