I was trying to append some text to multiple lines in vi on a RHEL 6 system, however I could not get it to work. I press Control + V to get into visual block mode, select the lines I need, but when I press capital A, instead of going into insert mode, it goes back into command mode. I then created two droplets on digital ocean to test this, one CentOS 7 and one Ubuntu, and to my surprise, this worked fine on Ubuntu, but did not on CentOS. So why is that? Is there some option I need to add to my vimrc file or are these functions remapped somehow on RHEL/CentOS? Searching the web did not help very much.
1 Answer
It appears to be a result of inconsiderate overcustomization by RedHat somewhere in /usr/share/vim .
The following workaround
vim -u NONE [file ...]
suppresses all initializations (replace NONE by the path to your own .vimrc to do your own initialization). After this, block commands work fine for me. Consider setting a shell alias if you routinely need this. See vim's man page for details.
1Welcome to Vi and Vim! If you can share what specific changes are in
that cause this, it would improve the answer—and possibly illuminate a less nuclear way to solve the problem.– D. Ben Knoble ♦Commented Feb 3, 2021 at 16:01 -
Thanks for asking. On one of my CentOS 7 systems,
cd /usr/share/vim/vim74 && find . -type f -print | xargs cat | wc -l
reveals that there are more than 300000 lines of customization, making this a search for a needle in a haystack.Generally I doubt the value of vendor-supplied customization for the end-user because vendor lock-in reduces the user's ability to confidently use their tools across a wide variety of OSs (speaking from 35 years of professionally using vi/vim as preferred editor) Commented Feb 10, 2021 at 10:05
(which is now always included with the latest Vim versions, but I believe a tiny Vim does not enable this by default)