I want to close a window by mentioning window name in command line.

For example, let's assume I have opened 1.c, 2.c and 3.c in different windows in vim. Now i'm in 2.c and i want to close 3.c. Is there a way i can close it like e.g. :close 3.c?

  • 1
    what happens, if you have the same file opened in several windows? Apr 24, 2019 at 10:44

1 Answer 1


You need to use :bdelete 3.c or in short form :bd 3.c

There are a couple of terms you need to understand:

A buffer is the in-memory text of a file.
A window is a viewport on a buffer.
A tab page is a collection of windows.

So, what you're trying to do is close a buffer, not a window. The available commands to manipulate buffers are

  • :buffers or :ls or :files : See the list of opened buffers
  • :badd : Add a file to the buffer list
  • :bdelete : Remove buffer from the buffer list
  • :bwipeout : Like :bdelete, but really delete the buffer. And many more. You can find all about them from :help windows.txt
  • It's possible that the OP does know the difference between a buffer and a window, and really does want to close the window and not delete the buffer. I'm guessing that's not what they mean though, so +1.
    – Rich
    May 24, 2019 at 14:17
  • If they do mean that, this is one way to do it: :windo if bufname('%') == '3.c' | q | endif
    – Rich
    May 24, 2019 at 14:25

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