I recently switched to using neovim
+ deoplete
+ neosnippets
and I'm trying to get a snippet to do a thing that I'm pretty sure that I've been able to do in UltiSnips
. In a template I'd like to be able to enter a value for ${0:THING}
and have it be reused throughout the snippet output without retyping it. I'm not sure if there's a point in providing the snippet because it doesn't do what I want, but just in case my description isn't clear enough, this:
snippet thing
abbr thing
#ifndef THING_${0:TYPE}_H
#define THING_${0}_H
#include <something.h>
// ...
#endif /* THING_${0}_H */
would produce:
#ifndef THING_TEST_H
#define THING_TEST_H
#include <something.h>
// ...
#endif /* THING_TEST_H */
if I hit <C-k>
and enter 'TEST' when prompted.