I come about this regularly and still do it manually. Consider this example - say it's inside a text.

 first 3,2,17,198,232,1,999 and some other text
 second 1,2,3,71,98,4,5 and some more text

I need these values sorted (usually for easier read, or to find duplicates).


 first 1,2,3,17,198,232,999 and some other text
 second 1,2,3,4,5,71,98 and some more text

So far I always do it the "pedestrian" way - in my head where possible, or yank out sort there and paste back. I keep thinking there should be a more efficient way in vim. (I also tried splitting those into lines, sort -n, join, adjust commas,... - but this was even less efficient.)

Preferable without needing me to install a plugin as I sometimes work on other machines.

2 Answers 2


Vanilla Vim: Via Expression Register

And now a solution for vanilla vim:

  1. Position cursor on list
  2. ciW (removes unsorted list and puts it into register ")
  3. <C-r>=join(sort([<C-r>"]), ',')<CR>

Done. I think it is actually not that bad. An even more useful variant would be

  1. <C-r>=join(sort(split(expand(@"), ',')), ',')<CR>

You can re-use this expression the next time you want to sort a different list via the expression history (:h history):

  1. Position cursor on the different list
  2. ciW

Cycle through the history with the arrow keys to find the expression:

  1. <C-r>=<Up><Up>...<CR> or

There is an additional convenience feature at the expression prompt:

If you do not enter an expression, Vim uses the previous expression (like with the "/" command)

  1. <C-r>=<CR>

If you use the expression register quite often and you want to avoid losing older expressions, you should make sure that the value of 'history' is large enough: :set history?. If you have not set this value by yourself (vanilla vim), the current setting could be one of
vi-'compatible': 0, vim default: 50, defaults.vim since vim8: 200, vim-sensible: 1000 (e.g. arch)

Alternatively, define a short vimscript function to avoid typing the 'advanced' command at the expression register prompt:

function! Mysort()
   return join(sort(split(@", ',')), ',')
  1. <C-r>=Mysort()<CR> (tab-completion might help to ease the typing)

IMHO this vanilla vim solution would be almost as good as the plugin if you could dot-repeat step 2 and 3. Afaik, this is not possible. You could record steps two and three to a macro (e.g. qq) and then replay it (with @q (1st replay), @@ (2nd and more replays)).

  • Very nice! At the moment dot-repeatability is not an issue so I prefer something that in case of emergency I can type from my head.
    – bdecaf
    Commented Oct 1, 2018 at 7:08
  • You are welcome. I had the impression that you have to do this quite often and then dot-repeatability makes vim really shine. If you only have to do this once or twice per document, this is certainly less impressive and I would argue that my solution takes more effort than ordering 7 numbers manually. Also if there is only a second list, I would still denote it as premature workflow optimization.
    – Hotschke
    Commented Oct 1, 2018 at 7:26
  • Actually my main goal is to eliminate human error. I usually have just one or two such lists in a file - but these change frequently - often just a few numbers are added. Repeatedly doing this boring repetitive sorting manually I just happen to make hard to spot errors.
    – bdecaf
    Commented Oct 2, 2018 at 8:15
  • I see. Also when the list is larger, say 20 numbers, it is a hassle to sort it manually, even a single time. Just out of curiosity: denote these numbers references in a bibliography?
    – Hotschke
    Commented Oct 2, 2018 at 8:21
  • 1
    I was surprised that csv cli tools such as csvkit, csvtk, miller, xsv and awk cannot easily sort a single line/record. Therefore, I was wondering whether there is an alternative for storing the data which would make your life easier. But I guess you are happy with it as it is. BTW a new tool I stumbled upon on github.com/dbohdan/structured-text-tools is pawk (python as awk): echo '3,2,17,198,232,1,999' | pawk -F ',' "','.join(sorted(f,key=int))".
    – Hotschke
    Commented Oct 2, 2018 at 9:50

Plugin sort-motion.vim

IMO the most convenient method to achieve this is to use a plugin or a self-written vim function linked to a mapping. Both need a customized vim and are obviously not available in vanilla vim.

For example, the plugin sort-motion.vim provides a flexible, very convenient solution for your question.

  1. Position the cursor anywhere on the comma-separated list
  2. gsiW

This is dot-repeatable:

  1. Position on next list which you want to sort
  2. .

IMHO minimal mental effort required which means less "mental energy" depletion. If your list exceeds one line, I would recommend to join them, sort and then re-flow the paragraph.

I am pretty confident that there is no shorter vimgolf solution for this.

Also tools from the command line do not provide this level of convenience (e.g. tr , "\n" | sort | tr "\n" , from Unix & Linux: Sort comma-separated fields on each line by numeric value).

Related command line solutions can be found here

csvkit with csvsort and csvtool transpose offer no easy solution as well.

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