The :global
command does not make its capture groups available to the trailing command. The simplest alternative is to use \zs
and \ze
to target the specific match and grab the pattern using the normal command;
g/foo \zs\w\{-}\ze/normal! ygn2jp
g/foo \zs\w\{-}\ze/normal! ygn2jibar ^R"
where ^R is a literal ctrl-r, which you type ctrl-v ctrl-r to enter. This uses ygn
to yank the next match, which is set appropriately due to the pattern in :global
You can also write your own commands to be used in the trailing command slot. For instance,
function! CaptureNormal(qargs, bang)
let l:list = matchlist(getline('.'), (&magic?'\m':'\M').@/)
let l:args = substitute(a:qargs, '\\\(\d\)', '\=l:list[submatch(1)]', 'g')
execute 'normal'.a:bang l:args
command! -bang -nargs=* CapNorm call CaptureNormal(<q-args>, '<bang>')
All this does is 1) match the line using the previous pattern to grab the capture groups, 2) adjust the given string to replace \2
with the groups text, then 3) run the pre-processed normal command.
[range]g/\(foo \)\(\w\{-}\)/CapNorm! 2jibar \2