When I do a search within VIM the found text is highlighted in yellow with white letters. For my eyes it is impossible to distinguish the text highlighted. I am looking for the way to change those highlight colors.
My comment to wbogacz did not format well and I do not see a reply option, so I edit here again.
I am a Linux and vim notice. When you wrote:
:edit $VIMRUNTIME/colors/colors_name.vim
That begins with the colon so I presume it is from within vim. I was not able to get that to work. Opening another terminal and using the command line for
Yields a blank line. Looking at your line
hi Search term=reverse ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Cyan gui=NONE guifg=Black guibg=Cyan
That will take some learning on my part. Where does it belong? Where can I read about that?
Search on Vi and Vim
. If you don't see that you should make sure you don't have any browser extensions or the like modifying what you see. Note: this question is likely to be closed as "duplicate" or "unclear" or some other reason.:edit $VIMRUNTIME/colors/colors_name.vim
. See the paragraphs just before and after that command in @wbogacz's answer.$VIMRUNTIME
isn't usually set outside of Vim. See:help $VIMRUNTIME
. The documentation for:hi
is at:help :hi
, but you should probably start off by reading:help usr_06.txt