At the moment when I run nvim path/to/folder/ it opens up the netrw window for it (more accurately, the Dirvish window for it), I'd like this to not be the case.

Ideal behaviour is that:

  • when I do nvim path/to/file.js it opens the file, as normal, and
  • when I do nvim path/to/folder/ it opens the normal empty buffer (the one with the copyright statement and so on) but with the CWD set to path/to/folder/.

This is basically to mimic a bit more the Atom behaviour, where as soon as I open the folder (usually with nvim .)

I can do fuzzy matching for the files right away, Dirvish has bound Ctrl-p (my fuzzy match key) to something else so I can't use it in that case.

  • Why would you want an empty screen? You are specifically opening a directory with vim. If you want to change directory, just do CWD
    – 3N4N
    Commented Apr 3, 2018 at 13:47
  • @EnanAjmain as stated in the last paragraph, I want an empty screen so that I can fuzzy search the files right away, at the moment Dirvish taking control of Ctrl-p doesn't permit me to do this.
    – greduan
    Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 15:46

2 Answers 2


Actually the problem was a misunderstanding of behaviour from my end.

In Atom, one does atom . to open the current folder. In vim/nvim/vimr one can simply call it without a path and the current folder will be opened as CWD by default.

So the solution is to simply call the command without any path.

Also, I apologize that the question is a bit badly worded and lacks accurate information.

  • Your question mentions using nvim /path/to/folder: if you actually need this, you could try nvim +"cd /path/to/folder"
    – Rich
    Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 16:33
  • 1
    In my defense, it is a bit hard to imagine not knowing to open vim without . as argument when you especially know that one -_-
    – 3N4N
    Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 17:13

I know this can be off topic but I'd work around the issue by redefining vim in a bash function. It checks whether the last argument is a file or a directory and acts correspondingly.

The bash version:

vim() {
    if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
        # No arguments: just run vim
    elif [[ -d ${!#} ]]; then
        # Last argument is directory: just cd there and open vim without a file name
        cd ${!#}
        /usr/bin/vim ${@:1:$#-1} # strip the last argument
        cd -
        # Last argument is not a directory: act same as vim
        /usr/bin/vim $@

Still this doesnt work when multiple files are to be opened, like vim t.txt /usr/share ../README.

The zsh version

vim() {
    if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
        # No arguments: just run vim
    elif [[ -d ${@:$#:1} ]]; then
        # Last argument is directory: just cd there and open vim without a file name
        cd ${@:$#:1}
        /usr/bin/vim ${@:1:($# -1)} # strip the last argument
        cd -
        # Last argument is regular file: just open that file
        /usr/bin/vim $@
  • 2
    FWIW I would use a subshell (cd dir && vim …). Trying to reset the current directory afterward could be error-prone.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Mar 30, 2023 at 21:07

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