I recently installed Neovim and SpaceVim. My line number order is broken:
This occurs when working on any file, with both Vim and Neovim.
How do I solve this? I'm a newbie to Vim and don't know how to go about troubleshooting it.
In SpaceVim, we use g:spacevim_relativenumber
to config relativenumber. if by default it is 1, if you want to disable this feature. just add
let g:spacevim_relativenumber = 0
to your custom config. the config can be opened via SPC f v d
why we make this option enabled by default?
because relativenumber is very useful for line move, you can use 7j
to move down 7 line, and you can see the 7
before moving.
Custom config didn't work for me. So I did this:
$ find ~/.SpaceVim/ -type f | xargs grep spacevim_relativenumber
And found the line in .SpaceVim//autoload/SpaceVim.vim
let g:spacevim_relativenumber = 1
Then I changed this setting to 0
. It looks like little bit more generic way that can also be applied to other settings.
turned on. I haven't specified this in any configuration files. I'm figuring out the issue ATM.:set norelativenumber
, see also:h number_relativenumber
comes in handy if you’re going to be jumping around with commands like7k
, etc. I’m much more likely to jump around to absolute numbers, but that seems to be why people like it, if you were curious why this is a thing.:verbose set relativenumber