Regarding this command:

f{char}                 To [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the right.  The
                        cursor is placed on {char} |inclusive|.
                        {char} can be entered as a digraph |digraph-arg|.
                        When 'encoding' is set to Unicode, composing
                        characters may be used, see |utf-8-char-arg|.
                        |:lmap| mappings apply to {char}.  The CTRL-^ command
                        in Insert mode can be used to switch this on/off

I would like to change its behaviour as such. Take this sample string, in which ^ indicates the cursor position:

fooBar(); // boat programming SO meme

The keystroke: fb would ordinarily jump to:

fooBar(); // boat programming SO meme

I would rather have it jump to:

fooBar(); // boat programming SO meme

Make sense? Ideally the solution should continue to work with ';'


2 Answers 2


A basic version of this is actually in the reference manual as an example of how to use the getchar() function:

This example redefines "f" to ignore case:

:nmap f :call FindChar()<CR>
:function FindChar()
:  let c = nr2char(getchar())
:  while col('.') < col('$') - 1
:    normal l
:    if getline('.')[col('.') - 1] ==? c
:      break
:    endif
:  endwhile

See :help getchar().

Note that this doesn't handle counts or other, related commands (t, F, T, ;, ,), although it could be adapted to do so.


Here is a one-liner solution built on top of getchar())

nnoremap <silent> f :silent! exe "normal! ". substitute(matchstr(getline('.')[col('.') :], '\v\c.{-}'.nr2char(getchar())), '.', "l", "g")<cr>

The idea is to extract all the characters from the current position till the character typed, and to convert them in as many <right> as necessary. Note that as this is a one liner mapping definition, I cannot use \<right> easily, hence the more obfuscated l.

Note: I don't use a loop as loops are slow and a PITA to debug.

In order to support a count, it could become:

nnoremap <silent> f :<c-u>silent! exe "normal! ". substitute(matchstr(getline('.')[col('.') :], '\v\c(.{-}'.nr2char(getchar()).'){'.v:count1.'}'), '.', "l", "g")<cr>

What changes here is the use of :<c-u> to clear the count, and the fact that I've surrounded the pattern .{-}Z (by Z I meant the result of nr2char(getchar())) with (...){v:count1} (lose syntax) to count exactly the number of whatever Z I want.

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